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Idiopathic Hypersomnia Patient Register

This word cloud has been made by using the most common words in response to the question: "What is your biggest concern/hurdles you face or issues you think need addressing with regards to Idiopathic Hypersomnia?"

Hypersomnolence Australia holds the only patient registry of people diagnosed with Idiopathic Hypersomnia in Australia. It is used for the purpose of aiding research and and to assist us to identify key areas of concern that need addressing. It also gives you the opportunity to tell us what your biggest concerns are, the hurdles you face or issues you think need attention.The survey is only 28 questions and should take no more than about 15 minutes to do.

Note: as relevant organisations are Australasian the registry is open to NZ​. Click here to read more about our IH patient registry including our current privacy policy. or CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE OUR SURVEY. This word cloud has been made by using the most common words in response to the question: "What is your biggest concern/hurdles you face or issues you think need addressing with regards to Idiopathic Hypersomnia?"

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