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Why is my Dex not working?

One day your medication is 'working' and then the next you don't feel like it's doing anything at all. Or perhaps it has stopped 'working' all together or you never really felt it 'worked' at all. Sound familiar? In this post we look at how your diet could be impacting the effectiveness of dexamphetamine (dex). Please note this information is also relevant to other amphetamine based medications eg: Dexamphetamine/ dexedrine (dex) and lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse) etc.

Your diet and the timing of both your food and medication intake can have an impact on the effectiveness of Dexamphetamine (Dex).

Your body needs both acid-forming and alkaline-forming foods, so eating a balanced diet is important. However, acidic and acid forming foods (including vitamin C supplements) decrease the absorption of Dex, reducing its effect. These foods tend to make urine more acidic too. This increases the rate by which Dex is released from the body, which also reduces its effectiveness. Normally around 30% of all amphetamine-based medications are excreted in the urine. However, highly acidic urine (around pH 4-5) will result in as much as 75% of the amphetamine-based medication being eliminated from the body. In contrast, low acid or alkaline urine (around pH 8) will result in less than 5% of amphetamine-based medication being eliminated via your urine, making it much more effective.

If you are taking your amphetamine medication with your morning coffee STOP!

Dex is more effective when you are hydrated, so drink plenty of water (not soft drinks, fruit juice or caffeine drinks as these are all highly acidic, or acidic forming - sorry guys so too is chocolate) and do not take it with food. The general timeframe is to take dex at least 45min before food and at least 2 hours after food. It is also best to avoid alcohol.

You will find many different Acidic/Alkaline food lists online to help you choose better food options and if you want to check the pH level of your urine you can pick up pH test strips from your chemist rather cheaply. Always speak to your Doctor first about how to maximise the effectiveness of your medication. Remember to tell all of your treating Doctors which medications you are already taking (don’t assume they know). Dex interacts with various vitamins/minerals and medications, including some popular antidepressants, so if your Doctor doesn’t offer information, please ask. Dex interacts with various vitamins/minerals and medications - including some very common antidepressants so if your doctor doesn't offer information don't be afraid to ask. From the Dexamphetamine Product Information: Acidifying Agents: Gastrointestinal acidifying agents (guanethidine, reserpine, glutamic acid hydrochloride, ascorbic acid, fruit juices etc) lower absorption of amfetamines. Urinary acidifying agents (ammonium chloride, sodium acid phosphate etc) increase the concentration of the ionised species of the amfetamine molecule, thereby increasing urinary excretion. Both groups of agents lower blood levels and the efficacy of amfetamines. Alkalising Agents: Gastrointestinal alkalising agents (sodium bicarbonate etc) increase absorption of amfetamines. Urinary alkalising agents (acetazolamide and some thiazides) increase the concentration of the non-ionised species of the amfetamine molecule thereby decreasing urinary excretion. Click here for more information about interactions with other medications from the TGA's Dexamphetamine product information.

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