The Idiopathic Hypersomnia Awareness Week is 1-7 June!
We encourage everyone to participate. Whether you have a lot of time or just a little, there are ways you can get involved.
Time poor? These first two are the easiest ways you can help raise awareness.
Like, share and comment on our social media posts. It's really that easy to help raise awareness. You can find the IHAW on Facebook page, X (Twitter) and Instagram.
Change your profile pic. You can download one of the IHAW profile pics from the IHAW webpage or from the IHAW Facebook page.
Take part in the Living with IH - Share Your Experience Project. This is another quick and easy way you can participate. Learn more here.
Got a little more time and would like to tell you story? If you are struggling to know where to start or need help writing you story reach out! You may also find inspiration from other stories here.
Share info graphics. You can find them in our social media toolkit. We have them in 13 languages.
Share the IH Factsheet. You can download a PDF here. Images of the IHAW IH Factsheet can be found on our social media.
SHARE A SELFIE WITH YOUR IHAW T-SHIRT OR MUG. Don't forget to use the #LivingwithIH hashtag and tag the IHAW when you post your selfie. Check out the designs available in HA's Store. NOTE: Because we are unable to buy in bulk (we do not sell enough of them) we DO NOT make any money from these items. We sell them purely to help raise awareness.
For more details about any of these activities go to the Idiopathic Hypersomnia Awareness Week webpage:
If you have any questions, would like help with your story or would like to send us your story reach out to Michelle at